Menstrual Regulation, An Innovative Reproductive Healthcare

In Bangladesh, abortion is legally restricted as it is considered as a crime. However, in order to reduce female morbidity and mortality associated with indigenous abortion, Bangladesh government introduced early menstrual regulation (MR). There are several programmes which trains the techniques and procedures of MR in remote rural area of the country. Approximately 3,000 doctors and 2,600 female family planning workers (Family Welfare Visitors) got this trained in a single program.

This paper reviews MR training and service programs in Bangladesh. In rural areas, there are plenty of poor women who are trying to control their fertility. These programmes tries to built their capacity to provide high quality reproductive health care for very poor women. For many women, the entry point to contraceptive services and to maternal health care is Menstrual Regulation (MR).


Dixon-Mueller, R. (1988). Innovations in reproductive health care: menstrual regulation policies and programs in Bangladesh. Studies in Family Planning19(3), 129-140.

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